Examining the impact of 4Ps marketing mix and market orientation on purchasing decisions
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The purpose of this study is to explore and examine the relationship between the 4Ps marketing mix (M2-4Ps) and market orientation (MO), as well as to examine its impact on purchasing decisions (PDs). The research design with a quantitative approach with a type of survey conducted to 73 respondents as the number of samples of this study was selected by applying the Slovin approach from the nonprobability sampling method with the purposive sampling technique. The research questionnaire was used to obtain primarydata from the respondents' answers. The data analysis method with instrument reliability and validity test, classical assumption test, descriptive statistical test, correlation test, determination coefficient model test (Adj. R2), and multiple linear regression model test, as well as effect significance test applied t test and F test, using IBM SPSS v.26 program. The findings of the research can be explained that the M2-4Ps and MO developed in marketing activities are good and in accordance with customer expectations. The PDs level is also already at a high level of customer response. M2-4Ps and MO have a strong and directional correlation with PDs, either partially or simultaneously. There is also a linear relationship between the three. M2-4Ps and MO can simultaneously explain the variance of PDs, with the predictive ability being at a very strong level. M2-4Ps partially had a positive and significant effect on PDs. MO partially had a positive and significant effect on PDs. The results of examining the simultaneous impact also concluded that M2-4Ps and MO had a positive and significant effect on PDs.
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