Exploring the relationship between work commitment and organizational culture, and its impact on employee performance
Main Article Content
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between work commitment (WCM) and organizational culture (OC), and to test its impact on employee performance (EP), with a hybrid work system in the digital era. The research design was conducted with descriptive and quantitative methods with a type of survey conducted on 80 respondents as selected sample data using the purposive sampling technique. The primary data source was obtained from the questionnaire of respondents' answers. Data analysis methods with validity tests and instrument reliability tests, classical assumption tests, and statistical descriptive tests. Meanwhile, the influence test was carried out by applying a correlation test, calculation and analysis of the determination coefficient model (Adj.R2) and a multiple linear regression model test, using the SPSS v.26 program. The results of the research can be seen that WCM and OC are already in the good category. EP also reflects being in good performance. WCM has a strong and positive correlation with EP, as well as OC and EP. WCM and OC simultaneously with EP in explaining their effects on EP, have strong predictive ability against the variance of EP. WCM has a positive effect on EP. OC partially had a positive effect on EP. WCM and OC simultaneously have a very strong correlation and can predict EP, with the same company direction. The impact is that WCM and OC simultaneously had a positive effect on EP. The implication is that the high and low performance of employees in a company is inseparable from the impact of work commitment and organizational culture as two important aspects of various other aspects of human resource management (HRM) that accompany the development of the company.
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