Exploration of the relationship between operating cash flow with net profit margin and retun on equity: Analysis with a simple linear regression approach – one predictor
operating cash flow, net profit margin, return on equityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between operating cash flow (OCF) with net profit margin (NPM) and return on equity (ROE), each effect is partially tested with one predictor. Case study at PT. Nippon Indosari Corporindo Tbk which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The research design uses a quantitative approach, explored with descriptive statistics and correlations. The unit of analysis is financial statements, the purposive sampling approach was chosen in the sample withdrawal for 32 quarters, namely during eight periods of financial statement data from 2015-2022. Data analysis methods with correlation tests, calculation and analysis of determination coefficient models, and simple linear regression model tests, as well as all hypothesis tests by applying t-tests, calculations and statistical analysis using the EViews v.12 program. The results showed that there was a linear relationship between OCF and NPM, OCF and ROE, and NPM and ROE. OCF has a low ability to explain NPM variance, but OCF has a moderate prediction ability against ROE variance, while NPM has a strong prediction ability against ROE variance. The results of the significance test concluded that OCF had a positive and significant effect on NPM. OCF has a positive and significant effect on ROE. NPM also has a positive and significant effect on ROE. The results of the exploration of the relationship between the three have implications that OCF is an important variable to measure management performance in terms of NPM and ROE, and the level of NPM and ROE has a strong correlation as a measure of company profitability and management success in an effort to improve the welfare of company owners and other stakeholders.
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