The effect of digital economic literacy on entrepreneurial readiness: An entrepreneurship study – Revised edition
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The aim of this research is to determine the effect of digital economic literacy on entrepreneurial readiness. The social cognitive theory used in this research is the basis for preparing entrepreneurship, revised edition. This research used descriptive quantitative methods, correlational quantitative methods were carried out using path analysis, and then developed into Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, AMOS CB-SEM. Simple Random Sampling Technique is a sampling technique with 353 samples. The questionnaire was distributed using Google Form at seven universities. The results of this study found that there was a positive and significant effect of digital economic literacy on entrepreneurial readiness. However, researchers also found other factors that have the potential to strengthen the relationship between the two, either directly or as a mediator, including learning experience and soft skills of religiosity. Apart from various other findings above, the main objective, the novelty in this research is the emergence of new variables, namely the soft skills of religiosity and digital economic literacy (DEL).
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