Pengaruh struktur modal dan kualitas laba terhadap nilai perusahaan Studi kasus pada PT. ABM Investama Tbk, di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2018-2023
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This study aims to determine the influence of capital structure (CS) and profit quality (PQ) on firm value (FV). Case study at PT. ABM Investama Tbk, which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The research design uses a quantitative approach, exploration with the ex post facto method, using secondary data sources with a ratio data scale. The unit of analysis is the company's financial statements for six reporting periods from 2018-2023, which are analyzed in 24 quarters, with the purposive sampling approach chosen in the sample draw. The data analysis method used with classical assumption test, determination coefficient model calculation and analysis, and multiple linear regression model test, as well as hypothesis test by applying t-test and F-test, using Ms. Excel and EViews v.12 program. The findings of the study show that CS and PQ have a weak and insignificant correlation with FV. However, the CS and PQ still show a linear relationship with the FV, according to the direction and magnitude of the values of b1 and b2. Interestingly, the results of the influence significance test show that both t-test results can be concluded that t-stat<t-table with p-value.>0,05, and the F-test result shows F-Stat<F-table with p-value>0,05. Therefore, the results of this study conclude that CS and PQ do not influence the FV, either partially or simultaneously. The CS and PQ simultaneously can only account for a small part of the FV variance, so it has no statistical influence. This study did not succeed in proving all the hypotheses proposed, namely H1, H2, and H3.
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