Increasing Operational Efficiency of Umy Lemon MSMEs: Socialization of Improved Knowledge Management Practices (SIKMPs)
knowledge management, operational efficiency, MSMEsAbstract
The purpose of implementing community service (PKM) through kuliah kerja mahasiswa (KKM) is to play an active role in contributing to the wider community through socialization to improve knowledge management practices to help improve efficiency at the operational level of Umy Lemon's business in Lengansari Village, Sukabumi Regency. The PKM implementation method adapts the approach of observation, socialization, activity implementation and evaluation stages, where SWOT analysis and knowledge management practices are adapted. There are three important points developed in improving knowledge management practices. The output of the implementation of PKM through KKM activities can educate and increase knowledge on how to calculate COGS and determine selling prices, cost and capital estimates, so as to increase business operational efficiency for better income. Product innovation is simple in terms of variance and packaging. It is also important to collaborate with other parties, especially for digital marketing practices for Umy Lemon actors who are less digitally literate. As a positive impact, Umy Lemon actors have the potential to increase awareness of the importance of knowlage management, provide ease in decision-making with cost considerations, and potentially improve operations in the future, if this knowledge management can be applied and developed sustainably.
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