Content Marketing Socialization and Practices (CMSP) for SMEs


  • Asep Suryana Linggabuana University PGRI Sukabumi, West Java
  • Deri Firmansyah STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java
  • Asep Achmad Rifa'i STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java


digital marketing, content marketing, Business Model


Content is a key phrase that has been a reference in marketing practices for some time ago, now content marketing is a marketing discipline issue for digital-based marketing practices. On the other hand, now business actors are familiar with social media both Facebook, Instagram and other digital platforms that support digital marketing practices, although the scope of micro small businesses is starting to faliar with so-called digital platforms, marketplaces and social media. Content marketing is so to build their brand. Nevertheless, there are some aspects that need to be known regarding business communication through content marketing, this will relate to the type of e-commerce and even the business model. The implementation of this community services (PKM) is carried out to help increase understanding of content marketing through various digital media used; How to improve the interactive experience, the response of the actors involved, posts, emotions as a motivation for someone to want something (product/service). The implementation method is carried out by repeated observation, interviews, identification of needs, planning and implementation of activities. The results of activities, key elements of content design according to customer needs and communication elements as an important understanding for PKM partners to increase target audience engagement, understanding which platform and marketplace is right according to the intended market and according to the resources owned, the C2C model is the right choice for these SMEs according to the products offered. MSE players can slowly monetize their business by improving about content marketing strategies on social media.


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How to Cite

Suryana, A., Firmansyah, D., & Rifa'i, A. A. (2023). Content Marketing Socialization and Practices (CMSP) for SMEs. JURNAL HASPI, 2(1), 95–102. Retrieved from