Urban Farming with Fun Learning for Early Childhood at the Elementary School Level
urban farming, fun learning, interest in reading, reading cultureAbstract
The diligent habits of students can be motivated by the role of teachers, family, environment, mentoring of related partner stakeholders and the individual characteristics of the students themselves. Various ways can be done to motivate students' crafts and positive habits. The enthusiasm of students/students appears towards an activity even though they do not like it, but with interesting procedures and governance can generate interest and involvement in activities that were initially less liked. The purpose of this activity is to increase awareness of the environment with the approach of growing vegetables on makeshift land, compassion and fostering interest in reading. Result, vegetable planting activities with a hydroponic method approach in a narrow area in the school environment, can give birth to their habits in checking plants and plant growth that they have planted, it is also possible for the emergence of my feelings of love for plants so that later a sense of love and affection will grow not only for social people but for the ecosystem in the surrounding environment. In addition, the implementation of library revitalization activities is also useful in increasing students' reading interest and reading culture, it is hoped that this can contribute to social capital development, multiliteracy and broaden horizons for the growth and progress of the nation.
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