Kebonpedes Village : Utilization of House Yards Toward Food Security
house yards utilization, food securityAbstract
The purpose of carrying out PKM activities by the KKM team is to participate in the community through the socialization of the importance of using yards for food security. The method used in carrying out this activity has several stages, namely observation and interviews as well as outreach. Assistance and provision of quality seeds are provided so that the community is more productive in the future so that they are expected to be able to survive when economic prices are expensive/rising every day. Clear socialization and education from the beginning of planting to post-harvest is given to the community. Provision of the type of fertilizer given to these plants using organic fertilizers, intended to save costs and time. The output from the implementation of this activity is able to provide useful output because it can have a positive impact, both for the KKM team participants and the community. The community knows how to socialize with the community, knows how to cultivate vegetable crops, and manages food security.
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