Kebonpedes Village Beatiful and Green Environment Through “Gotong Royong”


  • M. Agus Yunus STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java
  • Naqil Abdulrrahman Siroj STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java
  • Muhtar Maulana Yusuf STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java
  • Muhammad Syahroni STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java
  • Syarif Hidayatullah STIE Pasim Sukabumi, West Java


green environment, mutual cooperation


The aim of implementing this KKM is to participate in efforts to increase public awareness through mutual cooperation and greening activities so that the surrounding environment becomes cleaner and tidier. The method of implementing this activity is carried out by observation and interviews, the planning, implementation and evaluation stages of the results. The results of the implementation of activities, can manifest and foster a caring attitude and awareness of the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. Other outputs, 1) increased awareness of the village community about the cleanliness of the surrounding environment; 2) knowledge of the village community about the benefits of greening the environment increases; 3) the view of the environment around the community becomes more beautiful, cool, clean and beautiful; 4) the environment becomes more comfortable to live in; and 4) creating a sense of togetherness, cohesiveness, good cooperation and mutual cooperation so that a sense of unity and oneness can be fostered.


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How to Cite

Yunus, M. A., Siroj, N. A., Yusuf, M. M., Syahroni, M., & Hidayatullah, S. (2024). Kebonpedes Village Beatiful and Green Environment Through “Gotong Royong”. JURNAL HASPI, 3(1), 169–176. Retrieved from