Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Seminar “Strategi Digitalisasi Marketing”
digitalization, marketing strategy, digital platformAbstract
Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM) are a tangible manifestation of the duties of lecturers and students in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely the aspect of service. Through community service activities in Bojong Sawah Village, there is a synergy between universities and the community as a form of knowledge democracy. The purpose of this service is to provide understanding to the community and students at local vocational schools about the importance of knowing marketing strategies using digital. This service is carried out through seminar activities at school. The results and outputs of this service activity provide an overview to the community and the younger generation to try to develop marketing strategies in businesses that will and can be run using digital in e-commerce, such as the Lazada application, Shoppee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, or other social media accounts.
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