<p><strong>JURNAL HASPI :</strong> Media publikasi hasil penelitian bidang ekonomi, manajemen dan teknologi yang di manfaatkan oleh masyarakat secara luas. </p>Ikatan Praktisi dan Peneliti Indonesiaen-USJURNAL HASPIRoutine Recitation as a Religious Culture of the Sasagaran Village Community
<p align="justify">The purpose of implementing this PKM activity is to participate in partners, namely the DKM Team in an effort to increase community participation to participate in the implementation of religious activities consistently. The method of implementing activities is carried out with a participatory approach, starting with observation, then socialization and implementation. The stage of the implementation of the activity is divided into several stages, namely making the arrangement of events that are carried out in routine recitation, the stage of religious implementation that is routinely carried out. The output of the results of the implementation of the activity, the level of enthusiasm and participation of the surrounding community is quite high. The difference in attendance, namely the increase in the presence of people who take part in routine recitations, can be used as a positive outcome of the participation of the PKM team. Important points of religious culture through routine recitation include being able to arouse the social spirit and religious life behavior of the Sasagaran Village Community, the social spirit grows and has an active level of participation in religious community life. The obstacles to community absence include feeling lazy is very possible, struggling with busyness and fatigue after fulfilling obligations of duties and work, intentions and interests, and other inhibiting factors.</p>Dwinanto Priyo SusetyoMuhammad IkhsanAhmad NurhidayahSaprudin SaprudinAsrori Rifa’i
Copyright (c) 2024 Dwinanto Priyo Susetyo, Muhammad Ikhsan, Ahmad Nurhidayah, Saprudin, Asrori Rifa’i
2024-06-212024-06-2132239244Environmental Management through Maggot Cultivation and Optimizing the Role of the IPPEC Waste Bank in Bojongsawah Village
<p align="justify">The purpose of community service activities (PKM) through student work lectures (KKM) is currently to help and participate in efforts to overcome the waste problem in Bojongsawah Village. The implementation method, observation and field identification, socialization and implementation, ended with the evaluation stage. The results of the implementation of activities, several problem issues and alternative solutions were obtained from the results of identification, and were used as important themes and materials in socialization activities. The socialization and education that has been provided can increase public awareness to protect the environment, starting with the habit of sorting organic and inorganic waste. The process of decomposing organic waste and decomposing inorganic waste is carried out by approving and using maggot and ecobrick media, adapted to strengthen and obtain long-term outputs. The waste education board installed by the PKM team as a communication medium and a clean and healthy living campaign, proven to be quite interactive in an effort to increase public awareness to protect the environmentin a sustainable manner.</p>Dadang SuparmanNuriah NuriahSri AlawiyahWulan KurniasariHelga Aulia Azzahra
Copyright (c) 2024 Dadang Suparman, Nuriah Nuriah, Sri Alawiyah, Wulan Kurniasari, Helga Aulia Azzahra
2024-06-212024-06-2132245256Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa: Utilization of Farm Animal Manure as Compost Fertilizer Material
<p align="justify">The purpose of this community service (PKM) is to provide training and practice in making organic fertilizer from livestock manure in Bojong Sawah Village, Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency. The PKM implementation method is divided into 3 main stages, namely socialization, implementation of activities and evaluation of activity results. The output of this PKM activity is the existence of a weakness in carrying out the process of making and utilizing organic fertilizers in a sustainable intensity. The existence of this organic fertilizer can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers, as well as reduce the cost of the agricultural processing process, as well as not quickly damage the soil element as the main field for the livelihood of farmers and the surrounding community. However, further practice and training in better and faster ways are needed for the next PKM implementation.</p>Evi NoviyaniRisyfa NurpadhilahSyifa NurafiahEsiyati Rahmatillah
Copyright (c) 2024 Evi Noviyani, Risyfa Nurpadhilah, Syifa Nurafiah, Esiyati Rahmatillah
2024-06-212024-06-2132257264Community Service through Educational Assistance Activities
<p align="justify">The implementation of PKM through the KKM aims to carry out educational assistance (pendampingan pendidikan) by providing understanding to school-age children as students in the community of Bojongsawah village, Sukabumi Regency about the importance of tutoring for school-age children, which is carried out outside of school days or learning hours, including about discipline, ethics and morals. MI Mihadunal Ula School as a PKM partners of the education division. The method of observation and socialization, training and evaluation. The implementation stage adapts a tutoring approach called KKM teaching equipped with tutoring and iqro activities, Arabic tutoring and English es. The output of the results of the implementation of the activity, quite well received from teachers and students, it can be seen from the response given that it was very active, besides that the teacher also appreciated the program that had been implemented. Tutoring, Arabic and English discussion are carried out with a certain teaching model that better understands the conditions and characteristics of students, potentially making tutoring participants feel happy and have a high interest in participating in each session.</p>Irman FirmansyahSiti Maulida RamadhantiElla Dwi NovitasarSiti Holisoh Kurnia LillahPatmawati PatmawatiAdinda Addurrunnafis
Copyright (c) 2024 Irman Firmansyah, Siti Maulida Ramadhanti, Ella Dwi Novitasar, Siti Holisoh Kurnia Lillah, Patmawati Patmawati, Adinda Addurrunnafis
2024-06-232024-06-2332265272Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa: Pemanfaatan Sawi sebagai Produk Kerupuk dan Olahan Mie dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan
<p align="justify">The purpose of implementing PKM through this KKM activity is to help provide education, training and assistance to the people of Ciseupan village, Bojongsawah Village, related to the use of mustard greens, including how to manage mustard greens into crackers and noodles made from mustard greens, as well as estimation and calculation of costs, capital and cost of goods sold (COGS), in order to increase income. The method of implementing PKM activities adapts the approach of observation, socialization, activity implementation and evaluation stages. The output of the implementation of the activity, that the processof making mustard crackers and mustard noodles was enough to get appreciation and welcome from mustard farmers and MSME actors, the local community. Other outputs from the end of this activity are able to educate and train related target partners, especially at the stage of activities in the calculation of capital, costs and COGS, where this stage is the most memorable and contributing to being able to educate, provide information and expand the insights of related partners for budget discipline and record-keeping, full of caution in making estimates to be close to real accuracy.</p>Siti NurbaetiErna PurnamasariSilma NovianaSiti NurhasanahYakutatil Faridah
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nurbaeti, Erna Purnamasari, Silma Noviana, Siti Nurhasanah, Yakutatil Faridah
2024-06-232024-06-2332273284Pembuatan Pakan Ternak (Silase) dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Tanaman Jagung
<p align="justify">The purpose of implementing community service through this student work lecture is to participate in the process of making animal feed from corn plant waste. PKM's current partners are livestock farmers in Ciseupan, Bojongsawah Village, Kebonpedes District. The method of implementing PKM activities adapts the approach of observation, socialization, activity implementation and evaluation stages. The output of the implementation of PKM activities is enough to help PKM partners in overcoming their animal feed problems, sustainable benefits have the potential to be felt when the drought arrives, where green grass feed will be difficult to find. The contribution of PKM is to help reduce animal feed problems.</p>Tia IndrianiSit SalbiahSri SapitriLusiana Herawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Tia Indriani, Siti Salbiah, Sri Sapitri, Lusiana Herawati
2024-06-232024-06-2332285292Program Rumah Cinta Ilmu (PRCI) Increases Educational Awareness through Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM)
<p align="justify">The purpose of implementing community service (ICS) through kuliah kerja mahasiswa (KKM) is to carry out mentoring and teaching to increase awareness of the importance of education among the community, especially mentoring and teaching programs for early childhood children, with the theme "Program Rumah Cinta Ilmu (PRCI)". The Sekolah Dasar (SD) and the community of Langensari Sukabumi Village as the parties that are the current ICS partners. Observation, socialization, implementation, mentoring and evaluation of the implementation of activities are part of the systematic operationalization of this PKM method. The core of the implementation of this ICS activity consists of four points, namely free calistung lessons, free English lessons, creativity classes and tutoring. The outcome of this activity can make a useful contribution in efforts to increase awareness of the importance of education, love of knowledge, global outlook and increase the motivation to learn, especially for early childhood children at the SD level in the community environment area to become partners of the ICS teams. Implicitly, the Program Rumah Cinta Ilmu (PRCI) is urgently needed for early childhood-children and communities in rural areas.</p>Rita StiahartiLevi Nur FadillahMega SilpiaMuhammad Fadli IsmailMiranti Nurohmah SPutri Sandra DSRena Noorcahyani
Copyright (c) 2024 Rita Stiaharti, Levi Nur Fadillah, Mega Silpia, Muhammad Fadli Ismail, Miranti Nurohmah S, Putri Sandra D.S, Rena Noorcahyani
2024-07-062024-07-0632293300Increasing Operational Efficiency of Umy Lemon MSMEs: Socialization of Improved Knowledge Management Practices (SIKMPs)
<p align="justify">The purpose of implementing community service (PKM) through kuliah kerja mahasiswa (KKM) is to play an active role in contributing to the wider community through socialization to improve knowledge management practices to help improve efficiency at the operational level of Umy Lemon's business in Lengansari Village, Sukabumi Regency. The PKM implementation method adapts the approach of observation, socialization, activity implementation and evaluation stages, where SWOT analysis and knowledge management practices are adapted. There are three important points developed in improving knowledge management practices. The output of the implementation of PKM through KKM activities can educate and increase knowledge on how to calculate COGS and determine selling prices, cost and capital estimates, so as to increase business operational efficiency for better income. Product innovation is simple in terms of variance and packaging. It is also important to collaborate with other parties, especially for digital marketing practices for Umy Lemon actors who are less digitally literate. As a positive impact, Umy Lemon actors have the potential to increase awareness of the importance of knowlage management, provide ease in decision-making with cost considerations, and potentially improve operations in the future, if this knowledge management can be applied and developed sustainably.</p>Eva NurhayatiBayu Aji SantosaDellyesta AlfarikDestri NoviantiHaniman AlgiansyahIsmayanti Ismayanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Nurhayati, Bayu Aji Santosa, Dellyesta Alfarik, Destri Novianti, Haniman Algiansyah, Ismayanti Ismayanti
2024-07-072024-07-0732301312Waste Management Program (WMP) in Situ Batu Karut Langensari Village Sukabumi
<p align="justify">The purpose of the implementation of this Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM) is to participate in the Waste Management Program (P2S) in Situ Batu Karut, KKM partners are the local community and related parties. The method of implementing the KKM adapts the approach of observation, socialization, activity implementation and evaluation stages. The implementation of this KKM activity offers two main activities, namely: revilatation of Situ Batu Karut, and activating clean Friday activities. The output of the activity can make a positive contribution to several outcomes: increase awareness of the importanceof waste management, the culture of waste order starts from individuals and family members, the culture of sorting waste between organic waste (zero residue) and inorganic waste before the waste is dumped in landfills/garbage cans, regular habits in littering and awareness of the importance of reducing litter, and the culture of healthy living begins by maintaining cleanliness in the Situ Batu Karut environmental area, so that its beauty is maintained. The implication is that in the future, similar follow-up activities are needed to support the realization of zero wise and zero residue programs for clean and waste-free living by adapting and integrating technology and increasing the involvement of various related parties in waste management.</p>Soni Afdal HadiSigit SuhendardiSella MarseliaSalma JulianaVinka Intan Paullani
Copyright (c) 2024 Soni Afdal Hadi, Sigit Suhendardi, Sella Marselia, Salma Juliana, Vinka Intan Paullani